School Calendar
- Wednesday, February 12
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Sunday, February 16
- Monday, February 17
- Wednesday, February 19
Our Amazing SEEDS program will take a break while our school campus goes under renovation! Thank you to all of the parents and teacher volunteers for allowing this to be such a success.
BACKGROUND: In 2010 BRE Teacher, Lorene LaCava chaired the BRCC’s Community Cookbook effort. In the Fall of 2011, led by Lorene, a standing committee comprised of interested teachers formed SEEDS. It evolved over the years to include parent volunteers.
SEEDS: Stimulate minds, Enrich spirits, Engage community & Develop good citizenship through Service
SEEDS MISSION: To coordinate community-generated projects, which lead to a more attractive campus, promoting students’ sense of well being and academic achievement. It is BRE’s Campus Improvement Committee, a subcommittee of the Governance Team with its funds held under the BRE Foundation. Additional funds have been raised through recycling events, Whole Kids Grant, La Jolla Village Garden Club Grant, selling reusable bags, private donations, and Foundation fundraising for specific projects.
SEEDS spearheads projects on campus that improve the learning environment (i.e. classroom outdoor garden labs and shared outdoor areas). The committee also sponsors yearly clean-ups and acts in an advisory capacity for other committees at BRE that involve permanent installations (i.e. Student Council gift, 5th grade gift, and playground improvements). The primary goal of the Stimulate, Enrich, Engage, Develop good citizenship through Service (SEEDS) Committee is to create an attractive & stimulating environment, which supports student achievement & general sense of wellbeing. The Committee is a mix of teachers and parent volunteers with the full support of the school administration and the Foundation.
Committee Co-Chairs:
Angela Volk, BRE Teacher
Lorraine Turner, BRE Teacher